Published by J. De Bellievre every Wednesday from April 5, 1826 to December 6, 1826 in French and English. The French issue was called Messager Hebdomadaire. World Cat. OCLC 1015856631 with no issues shown at any library other than the Library of Congress. Also not listed in Louisiana Newspapers 1794-1940 - WPA publication. Our research reveals only 2 other issues extant and no other issues of the May 24 publication. The paper is 12.5" X 22" and contains a total of 4 pages, 2 pages of which are advertisements and 2 pages of world, national and local news. Good condition with light staining and tape running across across the centerfold of the French paper. This newspaper was probably the only pre-civil war newspaper that maintained a list of "Servants to hire by day or month".