Graham's 1867 Crescent City Directory - contains a 607 page list of names, addresses and occupations of all (or nearly all) the people living in the New Orleans area in 1867 (includes Jefferson City, Gretna, Carrollton, Algiers and Milenburg) plus the names and addresses of New Orleans area businesses plus information about churches, charities, public agencies and more. Also included are are about 60 pages of full page local advertisements. Missing pages 17-27 which are mostly advertisements. The covers are held together by duct tape (see photos of front and back covers).
This is a tremendous reference book for historians and genealogists. It is not a book to adorn your library for it has received a lot of use during its 153 years. Nevertheless the text is complete with no tears, nicks, underlining, scribbling, etc. and is in Good condition.