Gardner's 1868 New Orleans Directory - contains a 540 page list of names, addresses and occupations of all (or nearly all) the people living in New Orleans area in 1868 plus 22 pages for the City of Carrollton; 43 pages for the City of Jefferson; Gretna (11 pages); Algiers and McDonoughville (29 pages) and several pages for the communities of Greenville, Burtheville, Bloomingdale and Hurtsville.
Included are the names and addresses of each towns businesses plus information about churches, charities, public agencies and more. Also included are are 40 pages of local advertisements.
This is a tremendous reference book for historians and genealogists.
The photos show the book in protective wraps.
The book is in very good condition.
Also included is a clipping from a 1933 New Orleans newspaper containing a lengthy history of the town of Lafayette which was originally part of Jefferson Parish but was annexed to Orleans Parish in 1852.